Monday, July 20, 2009

Can Someone Help Me Find My Toof

It was a normal Thursday. Like any other Thursday would be. Andy and I were getting ready for a temple night. Janae asked Andy to look at a loose tooth. He promptly pulled it out. Drew asked him to look at a loose tooth as well. With the help of some pliers, he pulled that one out too. Wow! Two kids with lost teeth. Upon our arrival home from the temple, Zach comes tearing around the corner to tell us he had pulled out his own tooth. Funny ...I didn't know he had a loose tooth. So there ya have it! Three kids-Three lost teeth!


Harding Family said...

That is hilarious. That poor tooth fairy must be feeling really, well, poor now. Makes you wonder if the other two got the pliers out and "helped" Zachy with his tooth! We were at the temple on Thursday too! Our first stake temple night. Pretty cool!

Jason Both said...

That's funny. Becca just lost her first tooth a couple weeks ago.

Erica Phillips said...

that is hilarious. Wow, what are the odds? Good for you to get pictures of this....pretty memorable.

Heidi #1 said...

That makes me laugh out loud! What a fun night. Lost teeth are a gross yet memorable time in kids lives, then to loose them with your sibs is awesome! What'd the tooth fairy bring them?

p.s. Janae looks just like you in the picture with all three of them...kinda cooky!

Anonymous said...

This proves that they are all related with each other! My friend and her three sisters also lost their tooth, all at the same time! Whoa! Wondrin' if that could also happen to me. =)

-Marvin Will